French Bulldog Puppies
Beanie had the most beautiful babies ! At this time we have 2 left, Button and Cooper. Feel free to email, call or text for more information. Marlene 712-592-3525
This puppies are doing fabulous. They are perfect, small, cute and happy. All of our ears are up, we have now been weaned and eating solid food. This coloring is called blue fawn, is is a very prettyt color that even shimmers in the light. The puppies have been vet checked, dewormed, 2 sets of puppy shots and microchipped. We are the perfect age to run around and play or just snuggle on your lap.
Cooper has an awesome personality, when we are playing, this boy is looking for the ball. Blue fawn colored french bulldog puppy.
Cooper is available , call, email or text for information.
Cooper how long can you carry that ball around ! Seriously loves his blue ball.
Cooper a very nice blue fawn boy, who is one of my favorites !
Cooper and his ball.
Cooper is available.
Button has the sweetest personality. She picks everyone she meets as their favorite person. Button will be about 22 pounds full grown.
Button, pretty blue fawn girl. Button is $3000.
Button, the blue fawn french bulldog girl with a cute little pink nose.
Button, I just love her light hazel green eyes.
Button melts your heart with those eyes :) Button is available. Mini French bulldog.
Bella, a beautiful blue french bulldog puppy !
Bella is SOLD ! She is waiting to go home with her new family very soon. A deposit is in place for this girl.
Bella loves to snuggle :) and play ! WHat a beautiful baby..
Bella, a very pretty blue female french bulldog puppy .
Bella, solid blue with no white anywhere. SO special..
Bella is sold !